worried about your future?

Secure More Job Offers With My Proven Playbook!

☑️ 1-on-1 Coaching

☑️ Job Hunt Intensive

Do You Suffer From Any Of The Following?

You don’t have to stay stuck

Stagnant and No Growth In Your Job

You’ve been passed over for promotions and new people from outside the company or lazy workers got the role over you.

Lost Your Job and Need Income ASAP

Your stress level is high, confusion kicks in, but you have to make a decision that will impact your family’s life for the long term. What do you do?

Get Interviews But No Job Offers

Going crazy trying to figure out why companies would call and interview you but not offer you the job?

Want to Change Jobs But Unsure

Do you go after the  money or do what you enjoy and love? It’s not an easy decision but one that has to be made.

College Grad and No Job Prospects

Loan payment coming due and wondering if you made the right decision to go to college?

No Job Interviews

Completed hundreds of applications and sent tons of resumes but still very little to no response from employers! What gives?

How I Can Help You


Meet with me, or one of my coaches, to develop and implement a plan to overcome your obstacles to get more job interviews, job offers, promotions, and pay raises. Click below to submit your information.


We meet once a week for two months with up to 20 job hunters to discuss and implement strategies tailored to your situation to get you more job interviews and job offers. Click below to apply and you will be contacted for consideration.

Client Testimonials

Wow! Shawn your resume critique and interview prep examples provided worked so good that during the interview i was told what to brush up on for the 2nd interview. I got the job and was so happy. Thank you for everything!

Thomas Matthews

System Administrator

Shawn, I could not believe when i went on the interview exactly what you mentioned was brought up. I knew I was going to get the job because you prepared me so well. I appreciate you!

Brad Kinch

Selling Supervisor/CRM Expert

Mr. Nelson, I do not know what special sauce you have but everytime I come to you for help jobs start calling me. Prior to you no one contacts me. This time I got 3 job offers, and I love it! Just keep doing what you do to help people.


Administrative Assistant

Here’s Your Next Steps…



Complete the application for the service you are interested in and you will be contacted.



Based on the information you provide, my team and I will develop a playbook outlining what you should do to get past your obstacles.



Finally see how you can get noticed by employers, get more job interviews, and get more job offers leading to an increase in pay and peace of mind.